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Thursday, January 31, 2008

For those interested

Here are a few links if you would like to know more about the ongoing war between scientology and Anonymous.

The promo video that started it all!

Project Chanology - the official war website for anonymous vs scientology (analogous to operation "shock and awe" except not so shitty and against scientology)
scientology wikipedia entry
Anonymous declares war on scientology
The church of scientology claiming copyright infringement (photos of the actual letters)
The message from Anonymous to scientology and another interesting video
Scientology in a nutshell - as done by Southpark (forbidden from airing ever again)
The ultimate Tom Cruise, scientology parody video roundup
News report on the fake anthrax sent to scientology establishments

Enjoy : )

Hackers Declare War on Scientology

******************This is my first submitted article for the Spring '07 semester at Sonoma State. Hope you enjoy**********************

The church of Scientology made headlines recently after claiming copyright infringement when a scientology promo video containing Tom Cruise was found to be circulating around the internet. The video, which shows Cruise ranting about how great scientology is and how much he likes traffic accidents, was made public through numerous websites. In the video Cruise declares “we (scientologists) are the authorities on getting people off drugs” and much more. The church (if you can call it a church) promptly sent out litigious letters demanding the video’s immediate removal. Needless to say, many of the sites kept up the video.

After the video was inevitably posted on YouTube, the organization (church) lodged a complaint with YouTube demanding the video be taken down. The video was promptly deleted from the site. This did not fare well for a notorious group of hackers who go by the name “Anonymous.” This online group is well known for organizing digital attacks against organizations and individuals. They coordinate online and offline acts of terrorism that oddly enough seem rather justified in many cases. They organize themselves loosely out of the website This site is an image board where anybody can post messages without the need for any type of registration.

Anonymous recently posted a message to scientology on YouTube. The video has since gained over 1.7 million views. In the video Anonymous says “We have been watching you. Your campaigns of misinformation; suppression of dissent; your litigious nature,” “the extent of your malign influence over those who trust you, who call you leader, has been made clear to us.” The message goes on to say, “For the good of mankind--for the laughs--we shall expel you from the Internet and systematically dismantle the Church of Scientology in its present form.”

Many of you reading this may think this is a joke; a group of cyber nerds in their moms' basements actually doing damage to a multi-million dollar church? I can assure you it is very real and probably the most dangerous threat scientology has ever faced. Anonymous does not act within any moral or legal restrictions. They are online bad-asses and do this stuff for fun. Their chaos reigning techniques vary from prank calling your phone systems (sounds humorous until you a couple thousand voicemails from people threatening to kill you) to DOS (denial of service) attacks on your websites. A DOS attack basically shuts down the target website, forcing it offline.

I recently had the chance to speak with a member of this notorious group. He said that Anonymous sent out a number of envelopes containing faux anthrax to various scientology establishments around the United States. The fire department, bomb squads, police, etc were all called in. This resulted in many of the churches being closed. As well he said “We may already have several real-life attacks planned, at conventions and such.”

It seems Scientology just won itself a worthy opponent. An enemy that will fight dirty and never compromise; ideals that seem parallel to those of the legal sharks who represent Scientology. The question is, how exactly is scientology going to attack an anonymous enemy it cannot trace? Whatever their reaction, it better be quick, less they want the identities of their officials stolen and their bank accounts to suddenly zero out. Scientology has just strolled down the wrong alley and came across a group that ‘Does not forgive and does not forget’, as goes the Anonymous motto.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Secret Scientology documents stolen

With the recent war . between . hackers and the church (if u can call it that) of scientology, many formerly secret documents have surfaced. I can't imagine how : )

I managed to get my hands on a few of these documents in .pdf format. Download them quick b4 I get my hands cut off for blasphemy after they hunt me down and eventually kill me in the name of science (and his lordship Tom Cruise).

The files are located here.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

3.0ghz, 45nm Processor for $220?

Intel released their first Wolfdale processor recently and to be quite honest I'm not sure exactly when it came out as it seems to be a silent release with no headlines whatsoever. The processor is 45nm has an upgraded 6mb of L2 cache. Running stock at 3.0Ghz, this processor seems quite the steal for $220. The only problem with this processor is that it's only dual-core, meaning who cares about the price because you shouldn't be upgrading to a dual-core proc at all with the quad-core offerings currently on the table.

For those that have been outta the loop, Intel was slated to release two new families of processors over winter break; Wolfdale and Yorkfield. This may seen obvious by now- but the families were not released. Both are 45nm and sport a front side bus of 1333mhz*. The main difference between the two are that the Yorkfield's are quad-core and the Wolfdale's are dual-core (exactly why Intel is even releasing high end dual-core processors anymore is unbeknownst to me). To date, only two processors from either family have been released. Those being the E8400 Wolfdale, and the Q9650 Yorkfield. The Q9650 is bobbing around $1,000 and the E8400 at $220. It would seem the releasing of the entire lines of processors both families have to offer has been delayed due to a lack of ANY competition from AMD (of course Intel denies this). Now for the funny part, despite a difference of $780 between the two processors, both run at 3.0Ghz.

*It is confirmed that some of the processors released will have 1600mhz fsb, it is still unclear so to exactly which will and which won't however.

Well, what does it all mean Bazzle? Don't buy the E8400, wait for a similarly priced Yorkfield proc to come out which should be soon. That involves waiting however, so if you are looking to buy now, then get a Q6600 for $255 (if your going to overclock, which you should, your going to want to make sure you get a revised proc with the new g0 stepping). Yes, that is right. You should be getting an older quad-core processor that doesn't even sport the new 1333fsb. This is simply because it is the most affordable quad-core processor there is and can easily be overclocked to 3.0ghz. Can you get a similarly prices dual-core processor running stock at 3.0Ghz? yes. I used to say only gamers should go that route, but now with the UT3 engine and the Crytek engine released, both supporting quad-core processors, even gamers should be setting their sites on a quad-core proc. This why is it so surprising to me that Intel did not update the q6600 to a q6650 with 1333fsb, when they rolled out their 1333fsb updated processors which u can differentiate by their xx50 name. They even updated most dual-core processors for 1333fsb..

Intel should not be putting their dual-core processors at rock bottom prices.. They should price them similarly to the quad-core equivalents they offer, except make the quad-core proc's cheaper then the dual-core ones. This would push adoption of the new quad-core standard and bolster/force software innovation of quad-core enabled applications due to customer demand. If anything however, the pricing of the E8400 is a sneak peak of what we have to look forward to when the Yorkfield family is finally released.

I know many of you will argue about the real benefit of quad-core at this point in computing. Well all I have to say, is that this E8400 will going to go the way of the AMD FX-57. Also fuck Intel for pricing the E8400 @ $220 and the Yorkfield 3.0 processor at $1grand.... way to help the industry you D_bags.

Headline is true, don't buy the processor though unless you plan on upgrading it again in 3 months. 45nm basically means the processor runs cooler on less power and will have a slight performance increase over a 65nm processor clocked at the same speed. This also means you can overclock it more. 1333fsb advantage is about 1-2frames per second, may help loading times a bit but the benefit of a insane front side bus is really not that great, the front side bus is scheduled to become obsolete anyways in late 2008 when the Nehalem comes out with an onboard memory controller. Nehalem will be the first "true" quadcore proc from intel.

The codenames and brandnames of processors can be confusing even for a tech-head so let me break it down..
1. First you have the microarchitecture such as Penryn, Nehalem and Core.
2. Within these you get the code names of the processor families such as Yorkfield, Wolfdale,
Conroe, Kentsfield.
3. Within those you get the brand names such as Core 2 Duo, Core 2 Quad and Core 2
4. Now we finally get the individual processors model number such as Q6600,
E8400 and QX9650.

The word "family" is tossed around loosley to represent any of these groups, you could say the penryn family or the yorkfield family...

There are many pictures, graphs, charts, etc showing this in a easier to understand visual form such as here, here and here. Also wikipedia is your friend for this one : )

Intel has adopted a tick, tock/left jab, hail mary strategy for processor releases. This means that once a year they will release a entirely new architecture (this is the tock/hail mary). Then in the other half of the year they will do a die shrink with minor architecture revisions and updates based on the new architecture previously released (the tick/left jab). The last "tock" was the release of the core 2 duo line, the "tick" would be the upcoming Penryn family followed by another tock in late 2008 with the debut of Nehalem.

To know which core2duo/quad processors are newer, look for the ones with xx50 in their name indicating the stepping update and 1333fsb revision. ex:Q6850 versus the older Q6800.

UPDATE: It seems the Qx9770 Yorkfield processor has been released, however I cannot find any *legitimate place to purchase it. *There are 2 places I found under google however both have it priced at ~$1600 which indicates that the processor came out, but was then pulled from shelves. I will keep posting here as I find out more information. atm though this processor most definately seems to be a paper tiger despite the flurry of reviews it has received, their useless if you have no place to buy it..

Thursday, January 24, 2008

ATI takes back the crown with the HD 3870X2

After over a year of being stomped on in every area of the desktop graphics market by Nvidia, ATI has finally stepped up their game and taken back the crown for having the most powerful gpu out. The card doing this asswhooping is the dual processor (yes two processors on one pcb) HD 3870X2. Turning out over a TERAFLOP of power, this card beats the 8800Ultra in nearly every benchmark @_@, but how pricey is it?? It is slated for release on January 28th, 2008. Read more here.

Due to this release, expect to see Nvidia release its much rumored 9800gx2 along with more Geforce 9 series cards, very soon. 8800? soo yesterday ; )

UPDATE: I've found a newer, much more in depth review of the HD 3870X2 here. (thank Turbopenguin for this one)

Monday, January 21, 2008

Commodore SX-64 vs MacBook Air

A feature comparison between a Commodore SX-64 and the new MacBook AIr. The battle was close, but the Airbook comes out with its backlight keyboard ftw.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

RIAA Website Wiped Clean by “Hackers”

Apparently the RIAA is so busy suing consumers that they forgot to hire a decent programmer. With a simple SQL injection, all their propaganda has been successfully wiped from the site.

read more | digg story

How Pirates Will Change The Entertainment Industry

The Internet is in its infancy. Electronic information still travels along copper wires left over from the industrial revolution, but the information age is about to hit puberty. Fiber optic cables are sprouting in unexpected places. The piracy and chaos we are collectively experiencing is growing pains. A very interesting article.

read more | digg story

Friday, January 18, 2008

Canada puts U.S., Israel on torture watchlist

Canada's foreign ministry has put the United States and Israel on a watch list of countries where prisoners risk being tortured and also classifies some U.S. interrogation techniques as torture, according to a document obtained by Reuters on Thursday.No surprise here.

read more | digg story

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Internet Party: What Happens If Google's Parents Leave Town

So Digg, eBay and Facebook walk into a room ...

read more | digg story

Has AT&T Lost Its Mind?

Chances are that as you read this article, it is passing over part of AT&T's network. That matters, because last week AT&T announced that it is seriously considering plans to examine all the traffic it carries for potential violations of U.S. intellectual property laws.

And yet another story about AT&T digging into their customers traffic to filter whatever they please. All I can say is stay off their network along with Comcasts' and you should be a lot better off. This combined with the fact that AT&T is planning to tier their internet services, i.e. you pay for what you use instead of the usual flat rate, unlimited usage plan, is a getting ridiculous. The sad part is this time I highly doubt the government is going to break up this monopoly, if anything they will encourage it so long as they are friendly with the NSA.

read more | digg story

Japanese Super Smash Bros. Brawl video shows Everything

Finally some actual lengthy live gameplay footage. You can get a good idea of the game modes and how the online play will work if you pay close attention. Enjoy : )

read more | digg story

Monday, January 14, 2008

US drafting plan to allow government access to any email or Web search

This news story brings to light yet another domestic spying program the government is/trying to initiate. Ten years ago this sort of story would have made headline news.. It is for government practices like this that I use the Customize Google and Trackmenot plugins for Firefox, not to mention the others listed in my Preemptive Strike on Malware article.

Of course we already know that this type of program is already underway... just now they decided to make it public.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Meebo; making AIM Express look like a steaming pile of...

I found this website that makes Aim express look like a joke. You can sign into AIM, Yahoo, Google Talk and MSN all at once through their rather attractive interface. Thankfully there are no intrusive advertisements poking you in the eye like there are in AIM. You do not need to install anything for it to run, it's all run straight off their website similar to AIM Express...... except its about 5 times better.

Friday, January 11, 2008 enables uploading and playing of entire music libraries

This website allows you to upload your entire, yes that would be entire music library to its website and then lets u play it all through your profile. This is insane and yet more crazy is the fact that for the time being it is free @_@. This way you can store your music library online and listen to it anywhere you can access to internet. As we speak my library, all 60+ gb of it is being uploaded : )

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Confessions: The Meanest Thing Gizmodo Did at CES

"CES has no shortage of displays. And when MAKE offered us some TV-B-Gone clickers to bring to the show, we pretty much couldn't help ourselves. We shut off a TV. And then another. And then a wall of TVs. And we just couldn't stop. (And Panasonic, you're so lucky that 150-incher didn't have an active IR port.)"

Basically these guys ran around the CES electronics show turning off everybodies televisions, it really is priceless to watch.

read more | digg story

FBI constructing 20 digital billboards

The billboards will display wanted signs for terrorists, felons, and possibly missing children (since when has the FBI cared about missing children?). Does anybody else find this to be a bit absurd???

Canadian women bear all to support breast cancer

Totally unrelated to technology but worthy of posting nonetheless. - I think the url says it all.

Intel x48 chipset preview

Information about the upcoming x48 Intel chipset are beginning to surface. This will be the successor to the still rather new Intel x38 performance chipset, which is the only chipset from Intel or Nvidia that supports DDR3. The chipset really brings nothing new to the table except some minor optimizations and 1600mhz fsb support for upcoming Intel proc's. To be honest I am really kinda annoyed at the rate with which both Nvidia and Intel are pumping out pointless new chipsets THAT OFFER NO REAL PERFORMANCE GAINS. The new Nvidia 700 series chipset brings nothing forth except for ESA (Enthusiast System Architecture) which is really not necessary in the least (not even DDR3 support....) All these new chipsets are really doing is making everybody who has the best of the best feel out of date and old for no real reason other then corporate whoopla. Upgrading to either of these new chipsets from a Nvidia nforce 680, Intel p37 or a Intel x38 motherboard would be like upgrading your C2duo processor to get the new g0 stepping....

UPDATE: Actually there is a reason to upgrade. With the 700 series chipset from Nvidia now available for AMD users, now would be a great time to upgrade to a new AMD processor and this new chipset, if you are really stupid enough to upgrade to an AMD processor then I guess you would be stupid enough to upgrade to this new chipset. Happy shopping ^_^

Intel Unveils 16, 45nm processors for release

Intel has announced the information and prices for 16 of their new 45nm Yorkfield and Wolfdale processors. Also their announced release dates for once, are sooner rather then later : )

An interesting article on trimming the fat from Vista

A nice guide on cutting out the unnecessary bs from vista and speeding up performance.

Saturday, January 5, 2008